As Liz Dunshee reported in her March 13 blog, “This voting outcome arrives at the same time that the UN Environment Assembly has agreed to negotiate a legally binding treaty to tackle plastics, which many are calling the next ‘Paris Accord.’ That comparison is significant because the targets in the Paris Treaty jump-started the focus on emissions. Meanwhile, other companies are proactively announcing steps that they’re taking to disclose & reduce their plastics impact.”  (Liz - and we at the OPTIMIZER - were among the very first people to note the shocking facts about “plastics” - and to bet that this would quickly - and inevitably - capture the attention - and the votes it deserves to have.)

Liz also noted the fact that 69% of the voting shareholders also voted to approve a proposal for all shareholder meetings to be held in whole or in part through virtual means - which also popped-out from the Jack in the Box 8-K with a surprisingly high vote. So much for “the waning of VSMs: we say.  Still further, this is strong evidence of the major shift in investor sentiment when it comes to voting on ESG - and DEI issues as well - that we predicted in our last issue. So readers, stay alert for more surprises.

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