Take Ownership of Your Governance: Don’t Wait for Activists to Start the Conversation

Navigating M&A and Shareholder Activism: Key Insights for 2025 Co-Editor Peder Hagberg interviews Bob Marese, President of MacKenzie Partners, on current trends in mergers and acquisitions, shareholder engagement, activism, and effective board...

Leveling the Playing Field of Corporate and Shareholder Transparency

A Call to Action from Joseph Caruso, CEO, Alliance Advisors Joe Caruso: Over the past few years, there’s been a growing call for greater corporate transparency, especially from government agencies, institutional investors, and proxy advisory firms....

Reflections on “Engaging with Investors”

Over the Past 30+ Years – And Advice for Effectively Engaging Now – From Two Pioneers of Good Corporate Governance When we announced the theme for this year’s Special Supplement to the OPTIMIZER—our thirtieth edition—one of our advertisers noted...


“Shareholders promoting both progressive and conservative agendas say companies are increasingly trying to limit their voices at annual shareholder meetings—the one day of the year when boards are required to hear from the people who own their...

Big Transfer Agent Censured/Fined For Major Internal Control Failures

We wish we could say that we were shocked to read the long list of shocking findings by the SEC against Equiniti Trust Company, formerly known as American Stock Transfer & Trust Company. But readers, we have been very regularly warning transfer...

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Shareholder Votes Have Value…Do Not Let Your Votes Go to Waste!

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Recent Articles

PCAOB Report On Auditing Deficiencies Shows “Leveling Off” … But Still Shocking Percentages Of Failed Audits.

WILL BAD AUDITOR GRADES SPILL OVER TO YOUR AGM? PREPARE NOW, WE SAY We were greatly encouraged by remarks from the recently reorganized PCAOB board leadership promising much greater scrutiny of public company auditors and a much stronger focus on the number of audit failures at the top-four U.S. firms. But the latest report, on their studies of 2022 financial statements, where a Wall Street...

Perfect Timing As The “Independent Transparency Subcommittee” Announces “The 30 Most Transparent Companies In The US!”

A truly Blue-Ribbon Panel of Experts, Chaired by Broc Romanek, hits the streets just as public companies begin to jumpstart their AGM pre-planning activities and, ideally, to anticipate, and proactively address the most important issues that will be on the minds of investors. We hope these excerpts, straight from Broc’s Report (with a few suggestions at the end from the OPTIMIZER editors) will...

Top Takeaways From The 2024 “Big Meeting Season”

INVESTORS DON’T CARE ABOUT “TOO-HIGH CEO PAY” – At least as long as they themselves are in the black – witness the strong support the move to have shareholders ratify Elon Musk’s massive award of options racked up after a Delaware judge ruled it was wrongly awarded by directors basically “controlled” by him. Not much of a shock, as Elon’s huge base of “fan boys” weighed in as expected, with a...

How’s This For “Forced Transparency”? Citi Adds New Section To Its QRS On Reorganization Efforts – Following SEC Inquiries – And Big Fines For Failing To Make Progress On Internal Controls

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Stock Splits Are Back In Fashion: Three Cheers, We Say

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Reader Alert: “Endemic Sloppiness” In 2024 AGM Materials

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How And When To Properly Open And Close The Polls

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When Pigs Fly

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A Few More Observations From The 2022 Meeting Battlefront – And Some “Problem Areas” To Note

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Will ‘Big Brother’ Really Be Looking At Your VSMs This Year?

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The 2022 Season Starts Out With A Big Bang

As Liz Dunshee reported in her March 13 blog, “This voting outcome arrives at the same time that the UN Environment Assembly has agreed to negotiate a legally binding treaty to tackle plastics, which many are calling the next ‘Paris Accord.’ That comparison is significant because the targets in the Paris Treaty jump-started the focus on emissions. Meanwhile, other companies are proactively...

Shareholder Services: History

Tim Smith – “The Lion of Responsible Investing”

Tim Smith, who began his career in the early 1970s at the Interfaith Center for Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) – has retired from the Boston Trust Walden Company at year-end 2022, where he’d worked for over 20 years. But - great news, and no big surprise to us - in...

A History of the Corporate Governance Movement – As Illustrated by OPTIMIZER Magazine Cover Art – from 1997-2008

We have been promising ourselves we’d do this lookback for several years now - partly to show off some of our favorite covers, by our amazing cover-artist Guy Dorian, who did our first full-color cover in 1999 and every one since - but mainly because the covers...

More Fascinating Materials for the Evelyn Y. Davis File

Following the article for our History File on the notorious EYD, a good friend and former colleague, Stan Siekierski of AST - who is, we believe, the longest-serving person in the Stock Transfer business ever - sent us a rare copy of Evelyn’s HIGHLIGHTS AND LOWLIGHTS...

The Long and Sometimes Checkered Past of the Proxy Solicitation Business… An Article for Our History File, with Several Lessons Worth Learning

Following the announcement that EQ, the relatively new owners of Wells Fargo Shareholder Services was entering the proxy solicitation business, our good friend, loyal reader and fellow history lover Michael Mackey, President of Alliance Advisors, sent us an outline of the many comings and goings there have been in this fascinating and hotly contested space.

Evelyn Y. Davis: Gadfly Extraordinaire and Self-Styled “Queen of the Corporate Jungle” Passes Away on November 30, 2018 at the Age of 88

One of the most complex, contentious, egotistical, infuriating and relentless people - and in many ways one of the saddest people on the corporate scene - due, perhaps, to her terrible experiences as a Holocaust survivor, which were rarely mentioned until late in her life…

The Unforgettable Wilma Soss

The first person ever to demand that directors put women on their boards Wilma Porter Soss (b. March, 1900 in San Francisco, d. Oct. 1986 in Brooklyn) was one of the most colorful, persistent and totally unforgettable people ever to storm an Annual Shareholder...

The Original “Shareholder Activists” and the Founders of the Modern Corporate Governance Movement

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Transfer Agent Pays An Extra Nickel To Every Shareholder

Transfer Agent Pays An Extra Five-Cents Per Share To Every Stockholder Of A Major Us Company: 158 Million Nickels Too Many! We are hoping that this headline will grab your attention and impel you to read on, and will maybe give you a jolt of adrenaline, and a feel for...

Corporate Governance: A 20 Year Overview

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Unclaimed Property And The Real James Brown

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How Independent Inspectors Of Election Came To Be…

With Special Thanks To Mister Smith… And Mister Jones. Another Fun Story For Our “History” Section.

Tales From The Crypt

Horror Stories About The Perils Of Holding Abandoned Property From The Optimizer’s Story Vault… All Of Them Absolutely True.

“The Noughties”

As Y2k09 came to an end, it was quite an unpleasant shock for boosters of long-term investing like us to realize that for most individual investors – especially those who faithfully followed a “buy and hold” approach – the entire decade of the 2000s came to naught…and to NOUGHT - to a big fat zero .

The Paperwork Crisis

Former DTC Chairman and CEO William F. Jaenike writes about…

Harry Of Hanover Square, And What We Can And Should Learn From Him Today

The SSA – And We – honor Harry Poulakakos –Owner Of the World-Famous Harry’s Bar Of Hanover Square… “Wall Street’s Favorite Watering Hole” For Over 36 Years. What Valuable Lessons There Are To Be Learned Here!

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Carl Hagberg

Carl Hagberg

The Shareholder Service OPTIMIZER, first published in 1994, is “dedicated to helping public companies – and their suppliers – to deliver better and more cost-effective services to shareholders”.

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