There is still time to bone up - and maybe right now is the very best time to do so - to be sure you are up to snuff on what really IS hot on the shareholder meeting scene - and potentially dangerous to your careers - including topics like notice provisions and “floor votes,” issues that may require a “majority of the minority” to safely approve them, how to deal with potentially disruptive attendees - and to put limits on their ‘floor time’ if not to exclude them altogether - plus a wide variety of “proxy plumbing issues” that can trip up the unprepared.

The full transcript of’s March 2nd webcast on “What’s Hot - and What’s Not” - with experts Keith Bishop, Partner, Allen Matkins LLP, Roxanne Houtman, Partner, Potter Anderson Corroon LLP, Jill Whitney, VP - Client Services, at Broadridge Financial Solutions and yours truly, Carl Hagberg, Independent Inspector of Elections and Editor of The Shareholder Service Optimizer - moderated by Randi Morrison, Associate Editor, can be found here.

Readers, please do remember that a subscription to the OPTIMIZER comes with a guarantee of “some free consulting on any shareholder servicing or shareholder relations matter that ever crosses your desk” - AND, as we remind each year at this time, “There is no such thing as being over-prepared for your shareholder meeting.”

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