We were delighted to get this link to the Coca Cola Quarterly Report to Shareholders from Karen Danielson, Coke’s incomparable Shareholder Services Manager, following the SSA discussion on “Better Communications With Shareholders.”  www.coca-colacompany.com/newsletter-sign-up  Go there and take a look!

It starts off with an announcement that Coke is extending its partnership as a sponsor of the International Olympic Games by 12 years - for a record-breaking 114 years of sponsorship! Then, the 2nd Q Earnings Recap - with links to the entire release and to the web-cast if you have a mind to look and listen. Then, a fun blurb on the brief return of “New Coke” (remember that?) and news on intriguing new products in Europe, and on Coke’s eco-friendly BYOB initiative (Bring Your Own Bottle for refills)…And finally, a very important reminder to Keep Your Account Current to avoid the dreaded ESCHEATMENT.

Until 15 years or so ago, every public company in America sent a printed, quarterly report to its individual investors, Some even sent a fifth “Post-Meeting Report” - at the instigation of the gadfly Gilbert brothers. Then came a host of corporate-wide mandates to cut expenses - and, of course, the Internet - and printed quarterly reports disappeared almost entirely from the scene, while there were few shareholder emails on file if one WANTED to send quarterly news that way.

But WOW! What a wonderful and cost-effective way to use modern technology - to make permanent friends and fans of retail owners.  Plus, dear readers, this is a perfect example of what can be done with the new approach we have been advocating with respect to the vexing and outmoded NOBO-OBO system. We call  this “permission marketing.” It’s time, we say - and the technology is here - to offer every shareholder a range of options - not just for receipt of various kinds of written materials - but to give permission to issuers to “reach out directly” to them, say, in the case of contentious proxy matters.

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