Number-Two Transfer Agent Computershare Set To Acquire The BNY-Mellon Business, The Country’s Largest By Far
A Major Game-Changer, For Sure, Though Far From The End-Game, We Predict
A Major Game-Changer, For Sure, Though Far From The End-Game, We Predict
Holding Directors’ Feet To The Fire Over The Cost Of Capital – And Especially Over Their Stewardship Of The Company’S Stash Of Shareholders’ Cash: Finally…A Governance Reform Worth Making We Say
But Beware Of What You Wished For Issuers….You May Be Worse Off Than With The Access Rule
The biggest take-away from this season – as we noted last issue too – is the ease with which Says On Pay sailed by: A just-released Conference Board study
Our number-one tip is simply to understand exactly what kind of voters OWN your stock as of the record date, along with the percentage of the total voting power that each segment owns and how each “segment” voted…or failed to vote at your last meeting.