The Paperwork Crisis
Former DTC Chairman and CEO William F. Jaenike writes about…
Former DTC Chairman and CEO William F. Jaenike writes about…
It’s that time again, for one of our longest-running and most-read columns…And this year, emulating those “bests” and avoiding those “worsts” seems more important than ever.
Let’s take our own advice and cut straight to the chase: WHY is it the best annual meeting we’ve ever been to? Three big reasons; it’s a huge moneymaker for Berkshire Hathaway shareholders…it treats shareholders with the total respect they deserve…and…it’s a ton of fun.
This interview first appeared in the Fall edition of Broc Romanek’s new publication,, which also covered another important “hot topic” in its inaugural issue, with a “Roadmap to Regulation FD under the SEC’s new website guidance”.
IT’S HIGH-TIME YOU RE-CHECKED THE DATA-SECURITY AT YOUR VENDORS, the Optimizer warned, in our second-quarter 2005 issue, following a truly startling cluster of major data-breaches at companies like BofA, Choice Point, Citicorp and Wachovia…and where we offered a long checklist of points to check on.